Interoperability of educational data demands standards

Student mobility is a keystone in the building of the future Europe but mobility requires transfer of educational data. This interoperability of educational data demands standards. There are basic regulations, like ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which defines grading rules and transfer of credits, and ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education), which defines educational levels and subjects. There are also EU standards for data transfer, like EuroLMAI (EN 15981) and MLO (EN 15982). However, the implementation of the standards differs slightly and in practice there is more than one standard. The possible implications for the end user are that there will be “silos” with different systems not being able to communicate and there will be no mobility of data. This can and should be solved by cooperation with the long-term goal to unite standards and until then by building converters between them. This paper describes regulations, different standards, ongoing work and ways to go forward.

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