EUNIS BencHEIT Task Force is pleased to invite you to the annual benchmarking workshop! This year, the event will be held on 21st of November 2019 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

The day is a great opportunity for networking, discussion and sharing experiences between institutions that have been part of IT benchmarking projects.

Go to the event website for more information about the program, venue and recommended accommodation. We are updating our schedule as speakers are confirmed. On Wednesday 20th we will have a pre-workshop day with sightseeing tour and dinner at the restaurant at the city centre of Thessaloniki.

Register here by 11th November 2019!

Please, note the priority for registration is given to the EUNIS members.

If you have any questions, or want to share ideas on topics you would like to discuss with us, please email us at:

Read more on the EUNIS BencHEIT Task Force scope and activity here.