EUNIS Congress – call for proposals now open!

The successful EUNIS 2016 Congress in Thessaloniki is now behind us. The Congress is always a place where many inspiring ideas are shared and challenging projects presented, where new partnerships are formed and new initiatives launched.

We are now working on the next EUNIS 2017 Congress (7-9 June, 2017) in Münster, Germany and you can already find some information on the official website, so please have a look!

We now want to start planning the Congresses for the years ahead, so to be able to give our Community the best experience possible. Therefore, the EUNIS Board of Directors opens a call for the next Congresses submissions for the years 2018, 2019, 2020. More information on the bidding process is available here. If your institution is interested in hosting the following years Congress, please do not hesitate to send your bid to: till 3rd of October 2016.

Should you have any questions please contact: